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Base level!
$1 per month

Just the tip!

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Access to Member-Only Posts
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Access to old VODs
Essential Tier
$3 $2.40 first month
then $2.25 for subs
Support the Creator!
Custom Discord Role
Access all Songs & Remixes of DanVibes
Access to Member-Only Posts
Access to polls
Access to old VODs
Essential Tier + Twitch Sub
$7.50 per month
or $7.12 for subs

Same as lower tiers PLUS:

I will gift you a Tier 1 Twitch Sub to my channel or a channel of your choice for as long as you are subscribed!

If you use it for my channel:

Fourthwall subscriber role on Discord.
Access to fourthwall-only Discord channels!

-Cons: Subscription has to be gifted to you manually every month. (remind Dan, in case he forgets...)

Support the Creator!
Gifted Sub to the Danvibes Twitch or any other channel
Custom Discord Role
Access all Songs & Remixes of DanVibes
Access to Member-Only Posts
Access to polls
Access to old VODs